Cabbage Popcorn

  • 🍽
  • 😄
  • Keto
  • Low-carb
  • Kid-friendly
  • Dairy

A keto - and dental friendly - alternative to popcorn

Cabbage Popcorn

Who doesn't like a hot, salty, addictive bowl of popcorn? I know I love it! But I don't like the carbs and our dentist doesn't like what popcorn does to the kids' teeth. Here's a fantastic alternative which will have you just as hooked as the real thing!


  • 1 whole cabbage
  • a few slabs of butter
  • salt

Slice then loosely chop the cabbage. Melt the butter in a large pot and then toss that cabbage in! Add salt and more butter to taste. The cabbage is finished cooking when the thicker leaves are translucent and some of the smaller leaves are turning golden. The longer you cook the cabbage, the softer it will be.

Tips and Tricks

  • I don't like the spicy taste of the center of the cabbage. For easy removal, I cut the cabbage in half, then cut a wedge out where the core is on each half. This takes 2 cuts for each half.
  • Crunchy or soft? This question can only be answered by you. Both versions are delicious, but I find the longer-cooked cabbage to have a milder taste.
  • Salt. How much to use? This is one recipe where it doesn't do to skimp on the salt.


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