About Me

Welcome to the SnoyKitchen! I am Miriam Snoyman. I live in the beautiful Western Galilee in Israel with my husband Michael and our four kids. I spend a whole lot of time in the kitchen - often trying to come up with ways to quickly and effortlessly cook delicious, healthy food.

Our family is Jewish and observant, so all of the food on this site is strictly kosher. This means you will not find any recipes with both meat and dairy in them, pork or shellfish products and more. Naturally, a recipe can be rendered non-kosher with the use of non-kosher ingredients. For Sephardim out there - there will be a few recipes with fish and dairy together, so please be aware. If you have any questions about kosher foods or kosher cooking, feel free to reach out!

I love cooking and baking and have been doing it since I was a kid. I enjoy a wide range of culinary styles, although my kids are much pickier! Michael and I prefer keto/low carb foods, but we have lots of experience outside of that box.

Want to get in touch? Ask a question? Request a recipe? I'd love to hear from you. You can email me at info@snoykitchen.com.

Family Photo

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